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Love is our Resistance
They'll keep us apart, they won't stop breaking us down


Pictures are for memories & remembrance,

Treat me Nice, I'll treat you Nicer.
Don't step on mine when I didn't step on yours!
Please have a sense of Oringinality.


Monday, June 2, 2014

真的吓倒你和她放 relationship status 在 fb. 之前是你和你的 ex gf, 现在是她. 心里真的觉得很伤心, 失望, 心痛. 就连在 twitter 看到你们两个 sweet talk. Fb 我当然看不见因为你除掉我但是我也懂你会讲我在 fb. 我不是不想珍惜你, 而是你有给我机会珍惜你吗? 也许你有你的理由跟她放 relationship status 在 fb 但是我心里的感受谁能理解? 叫我别想太多但是 sweet talk 不是假的, 你们讲的话也不是假的. 衣服 , 裤子这些东西我能 share 但是我喜欢的男人不能 share. 也许在你的心里我只是个外人所以你不可以告诉我你为什么要这样做但是受伤的是我, 开心的是她, 可以每天跟你发简讯的也是她. 我可以感受到她懂我们的事. 说实话, 我喜欢的 ahwei 不是这样子而是会逗我开心的男人. 不瞒你说, 自从看到你和她放 relationship status, sweet talk 在 twitter, 我每天晚上都会一直掉眼泪因为我真的好难受. 你会让我觉得你真的对她动了心, 会让我觉得你很在乎她的感受比在乎我的感受还要多. 我是真的喜欢你也好想跟你在一起. 为什么一下子我们真的疏远了? 就连讲话的时间也没有. 现在就好像陌生人. 就算是我没自信但是我是有感觉的. 我会吃醋, 我会胡思乱想, 我会担心这个担心那个, 我就是很敏感. 我真的不懂你这个 relationship status 什么时候才会结束, 我也不懂你到底对她是认真还是玩玩, please think of my feelings when you call her 老婆. 她不喜欢你做这个那个, 你可以答应她反而我, 你都没答应. 对我来说, 真的很公平吗? 也许这是我的最后一个 update. 该讲的我已经讲了.

我做了那么多, 改了那么多还是得不到你.
眼真真看你和她暧昧来暧昧去, 心里真的很难受.
到最后我还是哭了, 心里承受好多痛.
我以为你从来没放弃过我, 没放弃过我们. 没想到你变了.
现在的你不会体会到我的感受, 反而只会体会你你自己的或者是她的.
也许我没比她那么好, 也许对你来说我真的很糟糕但是我真的努力去改了.
只想说, 我喜欢你.

♥our lips must always be sealed
2:01 AM

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

真没想到你始终还是选择除掉我在 FB 已经是第二次. 为什么你总是要讲这种话? 当你讲你要结束, 我真的很心痛, 真的很难过, 也不是第一次哭. 你不觉得讲这些话很伤人, 很伤到我的心吗?
我的心情, 我的感受, 你能了解吗? 这两个多月你有试着去了解我的真正的心情吗, 你有真正体谅我的心情吗? 当你写我在 fb, 我给人家讲的时候, 你在做什么? 你什么都没做, 在那边一起说我. 难道我一直要被你们讲? 对你来说, 我只是个霸道的女孩, 神经病的女孩, 根本没有讲话的余地. 除了 blog 以外, 我还能发泄在哪? 好不容易忘记过去, 忘记他曾经给我的伤痛, 现在的痛是双倍. 你明知道我不喜欢为了girls 一直跟你吵, 你明知道我是个敏感的女生, 你明知道我不喜欢人家懂我们的事但是你还是告诉了她. 那种很想跟你 heart to heart talk 的心情却怕你的脾气, 你能了解吗? 一直以来我都很怕你生气的样子所以我都没什么讲出来. 现在的我, 还是选择相信了你. 如果我要怀疑, 早就怀疑你和 lynn 了. Everything I also tell you, not as if I never let you know. 你应该知道. 我选择安静在那个 group chat 是因为我不想 match ailing & your brother, 还有看到你和她有说有笑, 我除了选择安静还是安静. 你也和她 private chat, 我还不是选择安静, 我能进到话吗? 你也感觉到我不开心了, 还误会我跟你发脾气. 我只是觉得那些 female friends of yours too busybody. 你有事, 可以跟我说, 尤其是我们的事. 我宁愿知道我错在哪也不需要人家来 comment on me. 我真的很不爽当她们这样批评我! 对, 你是单身, but can you at least do something makes me have 安全感? I never ask for much, just only 安全感. Work is work, I know how to see the difference. 好不容易没有 Lynn, 现在多一个 ailing. 我到底该怎么做? 我的心情一天比一天还伤心. 现在更伤心. 我这几天也没有去烦你反而是她来烦我, 一直说是你现开始. 看到昨天你出事, 我很担心. I choose to close my Facebook because I can't stand you keep go talk to ailing more than me, 感觉上我好像是透明的 & that the reason why I wanna cool down, be alone & think 而不是逃避. 跟你讲我不喜欢, 你会不要回复她吗? 我懂你的性格, 你一定会回复她. 到最后我还不是为了你 activate fb. She say you always talk to her, she never reply you keep spam her, how would I feel? 你也懂我会相信你. As a friend, I don't want your brother to get hurt by a girl which like to flirt people bf, still love her ex or say people flirt her. You want your brother to get more hurt?

蘇家緯, 我真的很希望我们之间能够和平相处. 我真的不想再为了那些 girls 又和你吵架, 又闹脾气. 写在这边会让我舒服点. 我想你不会 add 回我了吧. 还有对不起, 那天我让你担心了. 也许你是对的, 我不应该 deactivate my fb. 只想跟你说声对不起. 也许你真的不知道被别人讲的感受. 如果我跟我的朋友讲, 它们也不会讲你或批评你. Do you understand?

心里再怎么痛, 也没办法.
我真的有那么糟吗? 为什么你的话一直那么直接?
I miss those happy days we talk, those days we never quarrel. I miss the old you.

♥our lips must always be sealed
7:47 PM

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Sometimes really don't know why your status will affect till me, makes me think so much, makes me think that other girls like you that why your status will become like so sad. Maybe your status is song lyrics but some of them are not I guess. You should know what I mean. Yesterday I don't even wish to quarrel with you over girls, over her that why sometimes I choose to be quiet instead of talking so much because I know you will piss off. End up, you choose to ignore me still. We never talk for days, maybe you're worry for your case. I understand. Yes, indeed I very disappointed & jealous when you talk to her secretly even though you tell me you did talk to each other, see you two talk like so happily that why in the group chat I never talk much, see you like understand her story & etc. Maybe I shouldn't think so much in the first place but this is me. Sometimes I ask myself, am I fake in the first place, my feelings is fake to you all? Why there's no one can understand how I feel yet doing things that I don't like? 真的希望你能了解我的感受. I'm truly sorry for making you angry once again.

Must we be like strangers when everytime we quarrel girls?
Must we have cold wars?
Sigh, feelings very sad, very lost.
What should I do?

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:27 PM

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Been moody since the day that I know someone break her promises. Since already delete, why need to add back, why still wanna talk back? You just wanna stalk him back isn't it? People talk to you, you've to reply? So old man talk to you, you also will reply lo? 基本礼貌是不是? First time heard this kind of lame thing. Still give me so many different kinds of reason, trying to make me believe all your words, make up stories, you really think that I'm three years old kid? Like a seriously, you one day never spoilt people relationship, will die? Yesterday you indeed spoilt my day! I never see such a busybody girl like you before! What I do or who I like need report to you uh? 他妈的, 你以为你是我的谁啊? Keep vulgar here & there, act lian uh? You're just a bitch to me after spoiling my previous relationship. Everything become like this because of you, I just simply hates you so much right now. 你害我失去太多东西了, 你简直是个超厉害的破坏女王. I won't believe any single things that you say, you promise or explain to me those things you've done behind my back. The reason you want me to give up because you don't want I get hurt but the really real reason is you wanna snatch him from me, let him like you more & wanna make me jealous that he everyday talk to you & will fall for you isn't it? Come on, 你以为你真的很有魅力到可以赢到人家的心? Just because i just know him but that doesn't mean he's a bad guy or what. As long as i'm willing to believe him, nothing will happen. Since yesterday you say you won't talk to him anymore, I shall see you got talk anot. You're a great liar, a great spoiler, a great actor, a great bitch. LOL!

Enjoy those days that we talk happily, gossip about someone. You always never failed to make me smile even though you know I'm moody due to her.
Now I think is because you think I attitude you yesterday but I really didn't, 别误会我. I just too angry on how she say me, starts to push all the blames to you & saying your bad things all this.About promise de status is saying about her not you.
可能是因为这些, 我们又没讲话了 ):
希望我们会没事吧. 我不想再因为那个肥婆, makes us become like this again ):!
虽然我不喜欢你又再跟她讲话, 会让我有时候想太多但是我知道你做的这一切是为了想玩她. 我都能了解.
I hope she 说到就要做到.
Pray everything will be alright for us!

♥our lips must always be sealed
1:35 PM

Monday, April 21, 2014

还记得那时候的我是 emo girl, 你突然间来跟我说说话, 问我没是吗。
然后慢慢跟你聊起来,跟你全部的事情真的让我舒服多了,你也跟我讲很多道理。虽然刚开始我很固执,什么都不想听进去, 我还是把你的话给听进去了。

虽然你的话有时候真的会伤到我的心,但是我知道你有时候不是故意的, 到最后你还是好好跟我沟通。我真的希望你能有时候能了解我的感受。
想谢谢你从来没放弃过我,谢谢你一直在我的身边,谢谢你的惊喜,谢谢你对我的忍耐,只想跟你说声 Thank You (:

No matter what happen, i'm always here for you & never leave.
I hope i can be the one that you can share things with you, make you smile.
Even though i'm not perfect but i'm willing to be a better girl just for you.
I promise i'll stand beside you and face it all with you no matter what happen.
I just want to be with you (:

♥our lips must always be sealed
12:45 AM